This feature allows you to authenticate to Pobuca Connect app using the same credentials you use for logging into your Google Account (Gmail) with 100% transparency and security.
Follow a few simple steps and access your Pobuca Connect Account:
In the login page select Sign in with Google
2. Choose your Google Account to continue to Pobuca Connect.
3. Complete your user profile with all your contact details since this is what your co-workers will see when looking for you.
Note: You should also insert a password to log in to your Pobuca Connect account, if you want to unlink your Google Account in the future.
The secure password must be at least 8 characters in length including: a minimum of 1 lower case letter (a-z), a minimum of 1 upper case letter (A-Z), a minimum of 1 number (0-9) and a minimum of 1 special character.
How to Unlink Google Accounts
You can manage your Google Accounts by clicking on your profile photo at the top right corner of the web app screen and selecting Edit Profile.
There is a Linked Accounts tab with all the linked accounts.
These accounts refer to either to Google account used to register/login or to the linked Microsoft accounts during the import process.
Locate the Google Account you want to disconnect and click Unlink.
The following pop up will appear.
Click on 'Unlink' to complete the process.
Note: To log in to your Pobuca Connect account you can either use your email address and password or your Google account.