Pobuca Connect offers a comments field for your entities - Contacts,Organizations- in order for you to easily add internal notes.
In order to add comments to your contacts follow these simple steps:
Sign into Pobuca Connect web app.
Click on the contact you're interested in.
Click on 'Edit' at the top right corner of the contact view.
The edit contact screen will appear. There is a comments field section, where you can add your internal notes.
Note: You can add up to 4.000 characters in the comments field.
In order to add comments to your organizations follow these simple steps:
Sign into Pobuca Connect web app.
Click on the organization you're interested in.
Click on 'Edit' at the top right corner of the organization view.
The edit screen will appear. There is a comments field section, where you can add your internal notes.
Note: You can add up to 500 characters in the comments field.