You can view your past activities (recent calls, emails etc) and interactions in relation to a specific contact.
Web App
To see your activities and interactions in the web app, follow these simple steps:
Sign into Pobuca Connect web app
Click on the contact you're interested in
On the contact profile page, you can see the following information:
a timeline that presents the interactions you made through Pobuca Connect to this contact in a chronological order.
all the tasks related to this contact.
Example screenshot:
the date and time of the last interaction
which of your co-workers have interacted with this contact the most
Example screenshot:
Mobile App
To see your activities and interactions in the mobile app, follow these simple steps:
1. Launch the app on your mobile device and login
2. Click on the person icon inside the search field to view all people (Contacts & Co-workers) and spot the contact you want (or search for it directly using the search field).
3. Tap the contact you're interested in
4. By selecting the overview tab, you can see information about your last interaction and which of your co-workers have interacted with this contact the most.
5. By selecting the timeline tab, you can see a chronological order of your interactions with this contact
Also, from the home screen of the mobile app, you can click on 'Show recents' to see your recent interactions with your contacts in Pobuca Connect.
Please note that the timeline section is visible only when you have at least one interaction with the contact.