When you sign up for a new Pobuca Connect account using your work email address, we’ll automatically create an organization for you.
Immediately you will receive a response to validate your email.
In the validation email, click the link to activate your account.
You will then be prompted to provide some information to complete your user account.
Note: The secure password must be at least 8 characters in length including:
a minimum of 1 lower case letter (a-z), a minimum of 1 upper case letter (A-Z), a minimum of 1 number (0-9) and a minimum of 1 special character
At the same time, you can join your organization’s contact management list.
If your organization’s contact list is empty, probably you are the first one who has registered an account.
Tip 1: Share your contact list with your co-workers.
Tip 2: Download Pobuca Connect apps for Windows, Mac, Android, IPhone and Outlook. Click here!